Saturday, 21 April 2012

Times a changing...continued.

A friend I met though chickens was looking for a broody and he was interested in offering Brick a new home.

He hatches out a lot of eggs and she would have as many eggs as she could fit under that fluffy butt as often as she was broody, which looked like it was going to be very often.
Brick desperately wanted to be a Mommy, she looked so very sad spending weeks on end in the nest box, so for her it was ideal but I hesitated.  I find it very hard to part with any animals.

It took a lot of discussion and soul searching to make that final decision but sometimes you just have to do the right thing and as with Reggie, sometimes the right thing is hard.  

I was very kindly given two POL (point of lay) Pekin hens, I'll introduce you to them later.

I dearly hope Brick is happy, I know at the moment she has seven Pekin eggs to smother with love.  Thomas has said he will send me a picture of her with her babies.

I can't wait to see them.


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